Max Out Jelq Enhancement Serum 100ml Bathmate Bathmate Vibrators

Max Out Jelq Enhancement Serum 100ml Bathmate Bathmate Vibrators


Jelqing is a traditional technique used by gains enthusiasts around the world. When carried out in combination with the regular use of our Bathmate Penis Pumps, users report seeing unparalleled, satisfying results.

The world’s first serum designed to enhance jelqing results, Bathmate Max Out Jelq Enhancement Serum uses all-natural ingredients and works perfectly in conjunction with our range of hydropumps to truly maximise gains.

Directions for Use: 

If you’re a jelqing expert, Max Out Jelq Enhancement Serum is easy to use - just apply a small amount of the serum to your penis before your workout. Never tried before? Don’t worry - it’s very easy to get started with this simple, powerful technique.

First, you should be semi-erect: never jelq with a full erection. Once you’ve rubbed in some Max Out, form an OK grip with your thumb and index finger, around your penis.

Starting at the base, with a relatively light grip, move up your penis, stopping just before the glans, before returning to the start. Most jelqing fans recommend about 100 jelqs in a session.

Product Features:

  • 100ml
  • Free from artificial ingredients, with a natural formula
  • May improve your libido, with users reporting major results
  • Skin-safe, with rejuvenating, invigorating ingredients
  • Safe to use with sensitive skin
  • Alcohol and perfume free
  • 100% biodegradable


Collagen, Buteqa Superba, Ginseng